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Curriculum & Instruction

A girl smiles during a kindergarten graduation ceremony at McGlinnen Elementary.

The transformative power of a high-quality education is our core belief around teaching and learning. Each student in the Clintondale Community School District deserves every opportunity to earn an education that will open the door to live the life they deserve. The driving force of our team's work is to provide these opportunities. The primary purpose of the Department of Teaching and Learning is to improve student academic achievement ensuring alignment of the district’s curricula to state standards; providing quality staff development that promotes student engagement and academic rigor; conducting data analysis to inform instruction; and monitoring teaching and learning to ensure the alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

Professional Development
The Clintondale Community School District will support the goal of improving student achievement by providing quality professional development that opens the doors to improved teaching and learning through content rich, research-based instructional practices. Professional Development (PD) days provide the knowledge and skills necessary to refine the craft of our teachers for their work in the classroom. Teachers continue to make paradigm shifts by ensuring that students are provided with multidimensional instruction and assessment; and, our support staff also engages in professional development that provides them with opportunities to contribute effectively to the overall school climate and culture.

The Department of Teaching and Learning will continue to strive for academic achievement of all students and increase opportunities for students to be successful in the rapidly changing 21st century.

Meet Our Student Success Team

Linda Brook

Linda Brook
Titles: Social Worker
Locations: McGlinnen, Parker
Phone Numbers:
School: (586) 791-3400 ext. 6319

Heather Halpin

Heather Halpin
Titles: Chief Academic Officer
Locations: Administration Building
Phone Numbers:
School: 586-791-6300 ext. 3023

Genevieve Jones

Genevieve Jones
Titles: Reading Interventionist
Locations: McGlinnen
Phone Numbers:
School: (586) 791-3400 ext. 6824

Stephanie Krycian

Stephanie Krycian
Titles: K-2 Literacy Coach
Locations: Rainbow, McGlinnen, Parker
Phone Numbers:
School: (586) 791-6900 ext. 6307

Jamie Lampasona

Jamie Lampasona
Titles: Behavior Coach
Locations: Parker
Phone Numbers:
School: (586) 791-6900 ext. 6320

Terry Martin

Terry Martin
Class of 1985
Titles: Reading Interventionist
Locations: Parker
Phone Numbers:
School: (586) 791-6900 ext. 6321

Mary Moss

Mary Moss
Titles: Behavior Coach
Locations: McGlinnen
Phone Numbers:
School: (586) 791-3500 ext. 6625

Donte Owens

Donte Owens
Class of 2014
Titles: Varsity Football Coach, Behavior Coach
Locations: Middle School, High School

Michelle Pachla

Michelle Pachla
Titles: Math Instructional Coach
Locations: Parker
Phone Numbers:
School: (586) 791-6900 ext. 6113

Bernadette Penick

Bernadette Penick
Titles: Math Interventionist
Locations: McGlinnen
Phone Numbers:
School: (586) 791-3400 ext. 6705