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Early Childhood

Two kindergarten students share a laugh outside of Parker Elementary School.

Our preschool program focuses on the social, emotional and academic needs of the four-year-old child. Our teaching staff provides developmentally appropriate activities in math, science, reading and writing. Your child will learn kindergarten readiness skills and help build a solid foundation for success in his/her educational journey.

Location: Rainbow Early Childhood Center and Parker Elementary School
Eligibility: Age 4 on or before September 1. Families have the option to enroll children who will turn 4 by December 1.
Requirements: Must provide original birth certificate, immunization records, health physical, current income documentation (W-2), driver license, and proof of residency in order to qualify for GSRP.
Transportation: Bus transportation is available to any child (who lives in the Clintondale Community Schools District) and attends this program.
Fees: There are usually no fees for this program. Fees depend on income documentation and will be minimal.

For more information or to enroll your child in GSRP Preschool, contact
Heather Halpin
(586) 791-6300, ext. 3023

Young Fives is a two-year program designed for children turning five-years old between July 1 and Dec 1.
The program provides a strong foundation for future success in all areas of learning. Children are taught with hands-on materials, songs, and games. They are assessed by observation and work samples. Upon completion of the two-year program, children enter first grade.

This program will be available at the Rainbow Early Childhood Center, McGlinnen Elementary School and Parker Elementary School. 

To enroll, or learn more about Young Fives, call 586-791-6300, ext. 3001.


Kindergarten is a full day. For the 2024-25 school year, students entering kindergarten must reach age five on or before September 1. Students with a birthday before December 1 are encouraged to enroll in the Young Fives Program. For more information see the Transition to Kindergarten Parent Guides – Michigan. Requirements: Kindergarten is full day for the school year. Students entering kindergarten must reach age five on or before September 1. Students with a birthday before December 1 are encouraged to enroll in the Young Fives Program.

For more information see the Transition to Kindergarten Parent Guide. To enroll, or learn more about kindergarten call 586-791-6300, ext. 3001.

ENROLL for Kindergarten


This is an early childhood Special Education Program that uses a variety of activities to enrich children's lives and prepare them for future educational programs. Activities are designed to meet each child at their own level of development and move him/her forward. Each child has individualized goals. Eligibility: The child must be delayed in some area of development as determined by the Special Education Staff based on a formal evaluation.  Ages 3-5 years old.

Location: Rainbow Elementary Early Childhood Center
Days: Monday-Friday Hours: 8:30-11:10 a.m., and 11:45 a.m. – 2:25 p.m.
Transportation: Yes, for children living within district boundaries

For more information call or email Anna Hawkins, ECSE Coordinator at (586) 791-3500, ext. 6602 or

Quality childcare can make a big difference in the future of a child and the community. It is the goal of the Clintondale Child Care Center to see that the program is organized and focused to the needs of all involved: children, high school students, teachers, and parents.


Education and exploration at its best! Now enrolling newborns to five-year olds for full-time and part-time childcare with core knowledge preschool curriculum. The Clintondale Childcare Center, located at 35200 Little Mack Avenue, is open weekdays from 6:30 a.m. until 6 p.m. DHS subsidy payments accepted. 

For more information, call 586-790-7603 or email Melissa Kloposki to start your adventure today.