Applications for the 2024-2025 School Year
Welcome to Clintondale Community Schools! Registering for school is a straightforward process with two convenient options to accommodate your needs: online registration and in-person registration.
Option 1: Online Registration
For parents who prefer the convenience of registering on their own time and in the comfort of their own homes, we offer a simple process for enrolling your student online. Follow these four steps:
1. Pre-Register Your Student
- Click the "Pre-Registration Form" button below to begin. This form asks for basic student information such as name, household, and guardian.
- Completing this form DOES NOT mean that your student has been enrolled. You will receive a confirmation email stating that your pre-registration request has been received. Once the pre-registration request has been confirmed by Clintondale Community Schools, you will receive one more emails stating that your request has been accepted.
2. Set Up a PowerSchool Parent Portal Account
- Once you have pre-registered your student, you will receive an email with instructions on how to create a PowerSchool Parent Portal Account.
3. Complete the Required Forms on PowerSchool
- In order to be enrolled in Clintondale Community Schools, you must complete the online enrollment packet on your PowerSchool Parent Portal Account.
- Instructions on how to access these forms are included in the email sent in step 2.
4. Submit!
Your journey as a Dragon awaits!
Option 2: In-Person Registration
For those who choose to register in person, staff at the Clintondale Community Schools Administration Center will be happy to assist you and answer any questions. Before visiting the Administration Center (35100 Little Mack Ave), please make sure that you have all of the required documentation listed on this page with you.
Once all required documents and forms are submitted, your student will be enrolled in Clintondale Community Schools, and their journey as a Dragon can begin!
Please contact Linda Klein at kleinl@clintondaleschools.net or (586)-791-6300 ext. 3001 with questions or for more information.
Required Documentation
Photocopies or scans of these documents must be provided during the online and in-person enrollment process.
- Proof of residency must have two (2) of the following with parent/guardian’s name and address showing on the form:
- Home purchase closing papers/mortgage documents/rental agreement with parent/guardian name and address.
- Any of the following pieces of mail (must state name and address): utility bills (gas, electric, water, cable, phone).
- Valid parent/guardian identification: driver license or State ID card.
- Proof of custody/guardianship (when applicable). You must have court issued papers showing that you have legal physical custody.
- Temporary guardianship papers from the courts
- Copy of divorce decree showing joint custody
- Certified birth certificate
- Current immunization records (must be current)
- Most recent report card (incoming 9th graders) or unofficial transcript (10th- through 12th-grade students)
- Last progress report or report card (middle school/elementary students only)
- Hearing and vision report (kindergarten only)
- Current IEP if applicable (special education students)