Welcome to Clintondale Community Schools!
One year ago, I joined Clintondale Community Schools as your new superintendent. A few highlights in the past year that we have been focused on are enhancing the safety and security of our students through a school resource officer, installing a new public address system, installing a new key fob/card access system in all of our buildings, installed new playscapes at our elementary buildings, repainted the running track, and included the student voice on our Board of Education. This past year we have been able to accomplish a great deal and I am excited to use this work as a starting point for the years ahead.
This fall, we opened the Rainbow Early Childhood Center which will allow us to serve the youngest members of our community. The new Center will allow us to expand our Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) preschool and our daycare, as well as grow our Young 5s and Kindergarten classes. Both our GSRP and Young 5s will support our youngest learners getting them ready for kindergarten and elementary school. Our Early Childhood Center at Rainbow has also allowed us to expand what we offer for childcare for our community.
The 2024-2025 school year will bring some amazing opportunities for our students, and I am looking forward to sharing these with the community. During the school year, I encourage you to be an active participant in the Clintondale Community Schools. Please don’t hesitate to contact me regarding your experiences, or stop me when you see me at the buildings or events. I am eager to hear your feedback so I can work with my team to support the educational needs of all of our students.
Clintondale Community Schools is a special place where a caring educational community is committed to providing students with the knowledge and tools to achieve their dreams. Hard work, determination, and a passion for academic excellence are the foundation of our education programs. Together with staff, students, parents, and alumni, we unite as a small community to focus on supporting the success of our students.
Thank you for all that you do to support Clintondale Community Schools.
Kenneth Janczarek
Superintendent - Clintondale Community Schools